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Why The Pentagon Papers Matter

They matter because it demonstrated that in America a single, ordinary citizen CAN make a difference, and CAN throw a wrench into the works when the government is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of its citizens. More important today than ever that we all know that., and don’t just lie down for them.


  1. For some Politics is like re-arranging furniture. When Daniel Ellsberg exposes the hidden truth of why people being are killed in the supposed name of Democracy it’s time to pay attention to the ‘removal men’, and hold them to account. Wikileaks may have its faults, but in the digital age it continues the tradition of The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers

  2. Brian J. Trautman

    They matter because Daniel Ellsberg (and his family) and his allies, including Randy Kehler, brave journalists, and others who helped bring the Pentagon Papers to light, demonstrated a level of courage, patriotism and sacrifice rarely seen but sorely needed if we are to ensure that transparency and accountability exist within this republic, and that our government, which is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people, operates within the law and in the best interests of its people.

    The P.P. matter because they provided evidence that our government can and does lie to us, systematically, and that it has committed atrocities and will continue doing so unless the people take a stand, uncover and expose truth, and hold to account those officials who chose to violate the public trust.

    Because 40 years later we have whistleblowers, such as Wikileaks and Bradley Manning, who carry on this tradition by showing that our government continues to lie and break the law here at home and aboard. America’s whistleblowers are national heroes. They value conscience and virtue over career and personal safety and security.

    Vietnam was a large-scale campaign of unjustified murder. It was a violation of international law. The P.P. matter because they exposed this brutality and lawlessness, as did Wikileaks in the case of the Iraq War. The P.P. remind us that we must force transparency from our govt. and actively demand and struggle for truth and justice.

    “Historically, the most terrible things – war, genocide, and slavery – have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.” –Howard Zinn

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