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12th Grade U.S. Gov’t Teacher

Daniel Ellsberg set a righteous example for those after him to follow. It is far too rare these days when someone takes such risks to stand for what is right. As a High School government teacher, I am acutely aware of the way in which youth today feel they can not realistically effect change, especially if it means going up against this monster of a system. When I show them examples of such courageous acts of resistance in the past, it loosens that stranglehold of the permanence of status quo in their minds. They are inspired, and challenged to think outside the box. Conventional wisdom and mass media tell them the way to bring about change is to “go along” and ever so slowly voice their beliefs through voting. In contrast, the example of the Pentagon Papers shows us the need for courageous acts in defiance of the powers-that-be as well as the way in which small groups of people can be more effective in creating change by doing what is right, rather than confining oneself to the ‘appropriate channels’ of change.

The Pentagon Papers also give context to such recent acts of courage by people like Julian Assange.

In conclusion, Daniel Ellsberg is a shining example for us in a time when the U.S. government wages imperialist wars overseas, imprisons massive populations of poor Black and Latino people at home, while hoping that the American people don’t have the ability/courage to shine a light on these crimes.


  1. Like other teachers who have posted, I strongly believe that The Pentagon Papers are extremely relevant today. For one thing, history does appear to be repeating itself. It is hard to find any transparency with what is going on in the middle-eastern wars. Once again, we are fighting against people who are far different from us. Once again, we are mired in combat with no exit plan or way to save lives — both American and other.

    We need people with the courage of Daniel Ellsberg to step up in the face of personal danger to speak the truth… and we need to support them.

  2. Hooray for teachers posting to this site! No wonder the Koch brothers and other captains of capitalism are trying to drive public education into the ground. Idealists are leaving the profession in droves, but we should grit our teeth and hang int here. There’s nothing more dangerous than a well-informed populace capable of critical thought, analysis and response!

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